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Gatsby's Reunion 4

Summer concerts are in full swing in Spokane and this past weekend confirmed it with shows happening almost everyday this week. I managed to catch 3 awesome concerts when one is usually my limit. I would catch them all if I had the energy, the music helps gives me that energy. The show of shows was Sunday afternoon at the Roadhouse with the 4th annual Gatsby's Reunion.

Gatsby's was the place to be in the late 70's and 80's to hear the best rock n roll and see all your favorite bands. This music venue hosted local bands, as well as popular national acts, it was Spokane's version of the Whiskey A Go Go. Some of my fondest memories were made attending concerts here, we were all living the rock n roll dream. Gatsby's closed their doors in 1993 ending one of the best eras in music history, there has never been a time or place like it since.

Sunday afternoon at the Roadhouse was a celebration of the bands and the people that were regulars at the club who reunited for this one day event. Six of the most well known bands got together to relive the best days of their lives. The show kicked off about 3 pm with Unintentionally Blank, Riff Raff, Rumbleboy, Black Rose, Aftermath, Flash and closing the night was an all star jam. I saw friends I hadn't seen in years, such a great crowd for this event.

The bands all played as if they had been together all this time, they didn't miss a beat. Black Rose seemed to be a crowd favorite. I remember seeing Black Rose play many times back in their hay day and they sounded amazing. You would never know that they didn't have many practices together since some of the members live out of state and flew in especially for this reunion. Members include: Curran Dempsey-vocals and is now a Spokane criminal defense lawyer, from rock star to lawyer quite the change, also with Russ Rosenbalm-Drums, Roger Costello, Greg Zaran, and Jim Trainor.

Black Rose

Flash was the very first band that ever played Gatsby's and paved the way for numerous musicians to rock the Gatsby's stage. There are only 2 original members still around, Jerry Hubert-vocals, and Dana Cargile-Lead Guitar, Marty Mckinney filled in on Bass, and Russ Rosenbalm-Drums. Be on the look out for this band as they may just be playing in clubs around town again.


What a great show all the bands killed it and the crowd was enthusiastic and enjoying themselves. The Roadhouse was the place to be Sunday, this was a must see show. It was a great flash back to the good ole days of the 80's when times seemed so much easier. The 80's was a fun and carefree era, a time when some of the best rock music and bands were invented, there will never be a decade quite the same. See you all on the next time around until then take it easy, and most importantly Rock N Roll.**Peace**js*

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